Desensitizing The Prisoner-6

Apathy is not giving a f@$× about anything yet to be precise apathy is lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern. When you sit down, hold your hands us, look to reform a designed conditions that others tried to have reform that is apathy. Fake concerns, real concerns met with bended knees and begging for reform is apathy. When centuries of abuse, torment and lies rear it’s ugly head and groups do everything but stand for real change is apathy, or is anything I mention besides the definition true?

Apathy is when anyone sees the suffering of those within the same group and choose to do nothing that is apathy. To have no concern for the fellow man safety and well being is apathy. When it’s lack of enthusiasm for the betterment of the future for the prisoner of war (P.O.W) in the world, it’s apathy. Reform is when you trust your captors enough you ask for the abuse to easy up is a fairy tail, non revolutionary. Those who show a false perception for the sake of a show without a real desire to change the affliction of the suffering is apathy from the genetically modified organism/organization (G.M.O).

“Those I grew up admiring as a child I learn were G.M.O. Paid to be empathetic yet very much apathetic. From a personal observation, they are only empathetic when cameras are on and certain situations are addressed while others go untouched. They are apathetic from a position of only addressing situations publicly while the machine attacks us from every direction. Truth is, they are in a postion to be seen as apathetic for the sake of segregating the powerful from their community. Willingly or not they are the puppets who are designed to condition us to be apathetic.”

Aside from the politicians and celebrities who need permission to speak on the plight of the P.O.W, you have the Average Joe who only care when violence, torment and torture in private facilities when it hits home. That’s individualism, believing one has the right to either get involved or not. Individualism is Amerikkkas social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control. How did one system make the P.O.W apathetic over the course of centuries? 

“In the last four years, I realized a ongoing trend. As a child I knew something was off about this business we call a country. Everything projected negatively on groups rather latin, black, gay and native is the gospel of white supremacy. Nigger for Blacks, beaner for Mexicans, fag for gays and ape for Native Americans among other slurs are prevalent in this society. Many of us have blindly consented to these titles and apathy makes it fine.”

This machine controls every aspect of society while convincing us of freedom and equality. In the same breath conditions the P.O.W to be complacent under the Amerikkkan theology. How so? What we achieved as people, big and small should be celebrated but the small victories are what also make people apathetic. The false perception of success is what I’m describing. We wanted better education so they integrated schools, we wanted better jobs so they gave us affirmative action, everything giving has been at their expense not our own.

“Sure we all are individuals with similar issues in our personal life. As a unit, we suffer the same, leaving a question pretaining to the human spirit. Throughout this site, I have touched on countless position of us being apathetic followed by the apathetic questions, responses and even movement. Apathy made us selfish despite current conditions, while emapthy birth selfless movement.”

Author: aijebaogunfoli

Education, truth, freedom, the exposure of fascism, capitalism, cultural, unifying are my goal. Here you will be guided in your journey towards freedom from captors unseen through political education and preparation. Viva la revolucion!!!!!!!

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